In this article, we will be discussing the Property Fact Sheet.
We will provide a complete walk-through of all the elements that make up the report, specifically focusing on:
- What is a Property fact sheet?
- The elements that make up the report.
- The source of the information.
- Why is it important to all homeowners?
What is a Property fact sheet?
It's UF Architect’s Development Rights Summary Sheet.
- Its an Analysis Report.
- An interpretation of the development rights, constraints and development potential of a property.
- Furthermore its a check list for the required information and documentation relating to a property, a tool for all property owners.
The elements that make up the report
The report focuses on 19 key elements:
- ERF number
- Address
- Site area (sqm)
- Property price
- Title deed
- SG Diagram
- Heritage
- Original Plans vs AS-BUILT plans
- Property Particulars
- Zoning
- Zoning Certificate
- Primary Use
- Consent Use
- Floor Factor
- Permissible floor area
- Max Height (m)
- Coverage
- Setbacks (Street & common)
- Parking + Access
All elements are assessed and interpreted in terms of the specific site and summarised in our Property Fact Sheet.
The source of the information
The key elements are extracted from various city websites and publications namely:
- The Municipal by-laws: 4 documents (2015 – 2019) which define the zoning rights
- The City zoning map website: An extremely informative web-page
- Heritage Western Cape publications and websites: Heritage value, specifically in the Western Cape, is an important item to confirm.
The various elements are checked to see if there are any triggers in terms of the existing structure and if so, the correct way forward to be planned.
The main questions being:
- Does the building fall in the Heritage overlay zone?
- Is the building older than 60 years?
- National Building Regulations: All building work must conform to these regulations
In summary, only using your property address, a desktop analyses is done, extracting and summarising the key elements into a concise 1-page property fact sheet.
Why is it important to all homeowners?
> Buying or owning a home is an investment, in most cases, more a liability than an asset. In order to best gear yourself to be in control of your investment, one needs to know as much as possible about the investment to not over capitalise or invest in the wrong property.
> Buying or owning a home also has legal ramifications on the owners.
> Do not be caught in a position where you have bought a property and there has been illegal building work or unapproved building work done on the property, this will become your responsibility to resolve.
> Do not put yourself in the position where you build illegally.
Our Property Fact Sheet is your guidance tool:
- It informs you of your property development rights, constraints and potential.
- Existing plans and as-built drawings are checked against the SG diagrams
- It acts as a spring board for future work, additions, alteration or extensions with confidence.
Knowing this, puts one in the best position to protect your investment and capital.
Know what you are buying before you buy.
Know the value and potential of adding value.
To request your Property Fact Sheet simply complete the Request Form on the website and we will get back to you.